Look What they say

Here you can watch what students, teachers, administrators, research experts and media say about LCE programs.

Channel 6 TV report on Cinema Drive
Channel 10 TV report on Cinema Drive, Ohio
Students and Teachers express their views
Channel 3 TV report on anti- bullying program in Philadelphia
Dallas Mavricks' take on our anti-bullying program
NBA teams support anti-bullying program
Dallas Mavericks, Utah Jazz, Philadelphia 76ers

The production is called Cinema Drive. It uses 3D video and interactive questions to teach teens the dangers they will face behind the wheel. what are they learning?
(student #1:) " You know , not to text when you drive"
(student #2:) " The way alcohol affects you- I did not know that."
(student#3:) "The (safe following) distance, the three-second distance. I didn't know that "
The program was a hit with students at Thomas Edison High School, in north Philadelphia.
"I thought it was pretty informative" said Alberto, a sophomore. "It was something fresh- its not outdated like most what-not- to- do videos"
The Show is produced by Life Changing Experiences. Vice President Kenneth Bain says they work hard to make it relevant to students.