Family Life Education Project

All the courses are based on Christian principles, but they are designed for anyone with or without the Christian faith.

Project Mission
The Children and Parent Resource Group is excited to offer marriage and family education classes by partnering with the “Family Life Ministry” at the Church on 68.The Family Life Community Education Project implements the research-based pre-marital, marital and parenting programs designed by Nicky and Sila Lee: The Marriage Preparation Course, The Marriage Course, The Parenting Children Course and The Parenting Teenagers Course. The Family Life Community Education Project gives LIFE to families by strengthening relationships, HOPE to communities by building strong families and Charity by providing the program guide/literature free of charge to CPR clients.
Project Goals
1. Repair, Rebuild, Revive and Restore the family unit
2. Increase positive outcomes of marriages by strengthening relationships between husbands and wives.
3. Strengthen the skills, knowledge, and dispositions of parents increasing positive behavioral, moral, and social/emotional outcomes of children.
3. Conduct ongoing research on the effectiveness of the program.

Courses Offered
The Marriage Preparation Course –Spring and Fall Courses offered
The Marriage Course – Spring and Fall Courses offered
The Parenting Course- Spring and Fall Courses offered