About us
The CPR "Group" is made up of professionals in the fields of education, social work, community health and other volunteers that dedicate their time, expertise and personal resources to advance the mission. Each group member is qualified and/or certified to provide professional services to CPR clients.
CPR's outreach activities fall within two main headings: Marriage and Family Training Programs and Youth Development Intervention & Prevention Programs.
We develop and provide small group classes, seminars and coaching for families through our Family Life Education Project. We provide youth intervention and prevention programs on critical health and social topics to schools through our Life Changing Experiences Community Education Project.
All of CPR's resources are based on current research and proven to be effective.
Who are we?
What do we do?
The Children and Parent Resource Group was organized to strengthen educational, social, and moral, outcomes for typical and socially disadvantaged children and youth.
Our mission centers around three objectives:
1. We bring LIFE or vigor to children and youth through our programs and services that develop the skills, knowledge and dispositions of parents, educators and clinicians as it pertains to the nurturing, education and development of youth and children.
2. We offer HOPE as liaisons for parents and educators to community resources and programs that share or advance our mission. Our community resources and programs are evidenced based and grounded in a strong foundation of research yet practical and applicable to the current trends and issues of children, youth and families.
3. We are a Charitable organization, offering our services and programs at no cost to the children, youth and families we serve.
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